Les portes du Mercantour and L'EquinoXX

Posted by Ludo on 20.09.13

I went to les portes du Mercantour for one of the most beautiful race of the season. Saturday was a long day with almost 6 houres on the bike but some amazing trails and a great atmosphere, I made 4th. Sunday with only one stage, we had to chase the first guys with the real time difference from saturday. I had a really nice run I passed Alex Cure and finished 3rd. I even made the best time of the day by 15 sec. Florian Nicolaï won and second Fabien Barel. Nice feeling!

Article on endurotribe(photo 11): http://www.endurotribe.com/2013/09/florian-nicolai-remporte-lenduro-giant-des-portes-du-mercantour-2013/#toparticle

More pictures : http://www.endurotribe.com/2013/09/portfolio-lenduro-giant-des-portes-du-mercantour-2013/

Last week-end I went to l'EquinoXX. An enduro race which was in Delemont , Switzerland. It was quiet physical with some crazy turns. I am really happy to make my first victory of the season.  

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